Monday, December 27, 2010

Unit 7

How do you feel about peer reviews?
I personally don't mind having peer reviews as long as my peers are respectful. Constructive criticism is just that not to demean anyone but to encourage them and point out something that they may not have thought of. Just to add to that person, not take away from them.
 What have your experiences with them been like?
I've had pretty good experiences with my peers so far.
Discuss any Ah Ha moments you have had during the writing process or in your research.
I haven't had one of those yet. I hope that I do to help me with my research paper!
Is there anything that you have found shocking or intriguing in the process or your research?
I've found the information shocking. Stress is a major factor in everyone's life but the way it effects the body can be in a good and bad way. I always that stress effected the body in a negative way.

Have a great week everyone!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Unit 6

Well everyone, I'm sure I'm not the only one that has been dealing with this the last six weeks but I've been trying to keep my head on straight basically! It has seemed like 24 hours is just not enough time in the day anymore and I wish I could duplicate myself so someone could go to work for me (both jobs), take my classes, move my stuff for me into my new apartment and a duplicate me to take care of my daughter while the original me can just get some rest!! I've been trying to keep up with everthing and sometimes I haven't been able to. Is anyone else spinning their wheels like I am out there?
I hope the ideas that I've had will be influential for later research because that would save a lot of time! I think this term for this class I've put in a lot of effort to try and do this research paper so I hope it will all come together in the end and I get a decent passing grade! TTYL class!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Unit 5

Discuss your personal writing process and see what others have to say about your style.
I prefer to do informal writing because it's quick and easy. It doesn't need any particular form because it's like writing an email or memo so there is no real structure like there is with a letter or resume.
         If there was one thing about your academic challenges, what would it be? 
I have a problem with focus. I don't focus on one thing at a time. I tend to jump around when doing my classwork because I get bored easily and then I start thinking about what I need to do for another class or something else.
         How is school influencing your life at or up to this point?
At this point it hasn't really influenced my life persay. There have been some small tidbits that I can use and incorporate it into my work life like when I take my keyboarding class. My other class is software applications so learning how to use Microsoft will really help me with my job but also with my career in this field. This class will help me to be able to speak professionally for future reference when starting my business and writing up proposal letters. What do you guys think?

Friday, December 3, 2010

Unit 4 Blog

 Based upon your reading on plagiarism, why do you think we need to cite our sources?
We need to cite our sources because it gives credit to the writer for all their work.
         What would you do if someone used something you created without giving you credit?
I've had that done before and I was pretty upset that my co-worker stole my idea and pitched it to our director before I did. I didn't have to do anything to rectify the situation because she realized I was to the point of being hostile with her and my director found out whose idea it really was. 
         Consider some of the real-world plagiarism issues you have learned of that include professionals. How should those issues be handled?
There's plagiarism in every industry in this world. In business people plagiarize off other businesses but do it legally but changing one thing. Song artists especially plagiarize songs and lyrics. Some of them have to be handled legally if the parties can not come to an agreement when it is found that some used someone else's slogan or business name.
         Does the Internet blur the lines of legally owned? Consider sites like YouTube and Wikipedia.
Sites like YouTube and Wikipedia are sites full of opinions and plagiarism and it's not regulated.